

Hello, my name is Danielle.


Why ketamine?

Writer, dancer, activist, beekeeper, gardener, hiker, hula hooper, traveler, lifetime depressive. Recent superhero due to ketamine.

I hope this resource inspires you to take control of your depression. Feel free to leave a comment or reach out for more information.


Depression kills. We are living alone and in pain even if in treatment with a therapist or psychiatrist, or are taking medications. Even if cared for and loved by family members and friends. The sense of devastation and loneliness is pervasive. Nothing can make it better, not petting the dog nor going for a walk in the sunshine. We get better for a period of time but then the pain resurfaces, causing us to isolate. Everything feels awful. Small tasks are insurmountable. Many people have trouble getting dressed or bathing. No matter what anyone says or does, it does not ease the pain. The depression wins every time. Not that long ago, I googled “how to kill myself,” and the first site that came up was hosted by a man who tried to kill himself 8 times. He says that only 15% of women who try to take their lives are successful and 20% of men are able to. (STATSSS)

Treatment-Resistant Depression haunts many here in the U.S. and worldwide. SSRIs and SSNIs are only 30% effective and the rest of of patients are getting well with placebo effect. 30% of depressed patients do not improve on these medications.

There are other treatments besides SSRIs, SNRIs, and older school meds like MAOi, Lithium and tricyclics. One is ECT (electro shock therapy.) I have read and heard personal testimony that it is effective. Most recently I embarked on ketamine for depression treatments with a psychiatrist. I was beside myself with time passing without effect from meds I was taking, one layered on top of another. I was taking Lexapro, Remiron, Lithium, Lamictal and Ativan to sleep at night. Advocating for myself was herculean but .I managed to make an inquiry to a psychiatrist who treats patients one-on-one with in-office injections of Ketamine. I spoke with him on the phone, got scheduled to do an intake session then my first ketamine appointment a few days later.

I arrived for my 9am appointment on less caffeine than usual, as instructed.

Many of us have exhausted the medications in the psychopharmacology and seek new solutions.

Finally, there is a solution.