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Ketamine for Depression Worked for Me

Ketamine for Depression Worked for Me

After years of treatment, here’s how ketamine revolutionized my battle against depression.


I’ve been depressed off and on since I was a teen, and most recently severely depressed for the last two and a half years. The worst of my depressions when I was young occurred at age 19, 20 and 23. At 19, I could barely leave the house and my mother drove me to my psychiatry appointments. That doctor put me on two tricyclic antidepressants. The first medication caused a grand mal seizure, where I fell on a sidewalk and dislocated my right shoulder. A stranger saved me by putting his wallet in my mouth and calling 911. The second medication (also tricyclic — this was 1984), caused nausea and vomiting. They gave up and continued with therapy. For no apparent reason I snapped out of it several months later. I regained stability and went back to my life.

I fell in love, got married, had a baby in very short time. I felt marvelous. Some mothers experience postpartum depression but I couldn’t have been happier.

About 9 months later, I could feel it coming on. The dread. The sadness. Everything is dark. The numbness. This cycle occurred 2 more times until age 24. I got a terrific therapist and saw her twice a week, things were awesome for a while. I fell in love, got married, had a baby in very short time. I felt marvelous. Some mothers experience postpartum depression but I couldn’t have been happier. The years between having small children to current day being an empty nester were varied in moods but not huge ups and downs. I felt mostly fulfilled with moments of being down. I had found work I loved. My family and I did two overseas work experiences. I loved those, too.

Now I am 54. I have been in treatment with a psychiatrist for over two years and have taken at various times either alone or altogether: Lexapro, Zoloft, Trazodone, Wellbutrin, Remeron, Lamictal, Lithium, and Ativan. I would have some success and would feel well, then I would suddenly become depressed again. This happened every few months. The last time in May 2019, after putting up my meds to the highest doses and I was still sitting around sobbing, my doctor put me on Lithium. Like it’s 1950. Some friends had suggested I get a new doctor, but I figured I had been with him this long and he knew my arsenal of problems, neuroses, traumas, and disorders. A friend told me about Ketamine and about a doctor who was treating people with it. At first, I was afraid to try it. I looked at it a little, told myself my reasons for staying on the SRRI/Bipolar medication merry-go-round and put the thoughts away.

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My First IM Ketamine Therapy

My First IM Ketamine Therapy